Additional sources and materials
1 Raeff M. The well-ordered police state: Social and institutional change through law in the Germanies and Russia, 1600-1800. New Haven, 1983; WortmanR. The development of a Russian legal conscience. Chicago, 1976; Taranovskij T. Sudebnaya reforma i razvitie politicheskoj kul'tury tsarskoj Rossii // Velikie reformy v Rossii, 1855-1874. M., 1992. S. 301-316; i dr.
2 Ne stoit dumat', chto Rossiya predstavlyala soboj unikal'nyj sluchaj: Germaniya takzhe nastaivala na svoyom promezhutochnom, «sredinnom» polozhenii, pravda, mezhdu Zapadnoj i Vostochnoj Evropoj - i ehto lish' odin iz primerov podobnoj strategii postroeniya identichnosti na osnove «voobrazhaemoj geografii». Sm.: Germany and «the West»: The history of a modem concept / Ed. by R. Bavaj, M. Steber. N.Y.; Oxford, 2015.
3 Ostrowski D. Towards the integration of early modem Russia into world history // Eurasian slavery, ransom and abolition in world history, 1200-1860 / Ed. by C. Witzenrath. N.Y., 2015. P. 141.
4 Frierson S. «I must always answer to the law...» Rules and responses in the reformed volost’ court // Slavonic and East European review. Vol. 75. 1997. № 2; Neuberger J. Popular legal cultures. The St. Petersburg mirovoi sud // Russia’s Great reforms, 1855-1861. Bloomington, 1994. P. 231-246, 308-334; Burbank J. Russian peasants go to court: Legal culture in the countryside, 1905-1917. Bloomington, 2004; i dr.
5 Podrobnee sm.: Bol'shakova O.V. Vlast' i politika v Rossii XIX - nachala XX veka: Amerikanskaya istoriografiya. M., 2008. S. 193-194.
6 Kivelson V.A. Autocracy in the provinces: The Muscovite gentry and political culture in the seventeenth century. Stanford, 1996; Kollmann N. Sh. Kinship and politics: The making of the Muscovite political system, 1345-1547. Stanford, 1987; idem. By honor bound: State and society in Early Modem Russia. Ithaca, 1999.
7 Engel B.A. Breaking the ties that bound: The politics of marital strife in late imperial Russia. Ithaca, 2011; Marrese M.L. A woman’s kingdom: Noblewomen and the control of property in Russia, 1700-1861. Ithaca, 2002; Wagner W. Marriage, property, and law in late imperial Russia. Oxford, 1994.
8 Kollmann N. Sh. Crime and punishment in Early Modem Russia. Cambridge, 2012; McReynolds L. Murder most Russian: True crime and punishment in late imperial Russia. Ithaca; L., 2013.
9 Rude and barbarous kingdom: Russia in the accounts of sixteenth-century English voyagers / Ed. by Berry L.E., Crummey R.O. Madison, 1968; Ed. 2: 2012; Rude and barbarous kingdom revisited: Essays in Russian history and culture in honor of Robert O. Crummey / Ed. by Dunning Ch.S.L., Martin R.E., Rowland D. Bloomington, 2008.
10 Kollmann N. Sh. Crime and punishment... P. 5-6.
11 Davies B. State power and community in Early Modem Russia. N.Y., 2004; Kivelson V. Cartographies of tsardom: The land and its meanings in seventeenth-century Russia. Ithaca, 2006; Rustemeyer A. Dissens und Ehre. Majestatsverbrechen in Russland (1600-1800). Wiesbaden, 2006; Schmidt Chr. Sozialkontrolle in Moskau: Justiz, Kriminalitat und Leibeigenschaft, 1649-1785. Stuttgart, 1996; Weickhardt G.G. Due process and equal justice in the Muscovite codes // Russian review. Vol. 51. 1992. № 4. P. 463^180.
12 Brewer J. The sinews of power: War, money and the English state, 1688-1783. Cambridge, 1988.
13 Burbank J., Cooper F. Empires in world history: Power and the politics of difference. Princeton, 2010.
14 Kollmann N. Sh. Crime and punishment... P. 5.
15 Ibid. R. 418.
16 Ibid. R. 415.
17 Ibid. R. 158.
18 Ibid. R. 27.
19 McReynolds L. Op. cit.
20 Neuberger J. Hooliganism: Crime, culture, and power in St. Petersburg, 1900-1914. Berkeley, 1993.
21 McReynolds L. Op. cit. P. 6.
22 Ibid. R. 5.
23 Ibid. R. 45.
24 Ibid. R. 98.
25 Ibid. R. 108-109.
26 Ibid. R. 180-182.
27 Ibid. R. 233-234.
28 Sm.: OberlanderA. Courtrooms most Russian? // Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History. Vol. 15. 2014. № 4. P. 902-909.
29 McReynolds L. Op. cit. P. 269.
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