1. Cattel D. Soviet Diplomacy and the Spanish Civil War. Losangeles, 1957. P. 76
2. Eden A. Facing the Dictators: The Memoirs of Antony Eden earl of Avon. Boston, 1962
3. Majskij I.M. Ispanskie tetradi. M, 1962.
4. Malaj V.V. Nionskaya mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya (1937 g.) i kurs Velikobritanii na politicheskuyu izolyatsiyu SSSR. M, 1989 (dep. v INION).
5. Dokumenty vneshnej politiki SSSR (dalee - DvP). T. 20. M., 1976. S. 25-26.
6. Izvestiya. 1937. 8 maya
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