Additional sources and materials
1 Sm., naprimer: Koszyk K. Deutsche Pressepolitik im Ersten Weltkrieg. Dusseldnrf, 1968; Lasswell H. Propaganda Technique in World War I. Second ed. Cambridge, 1971; Sanders M., Taylor P. British Propaganda during the First World War. L., 1982; BuitenhuisP. The Great War of Words: British, American, and Canadian Propaganda and Fiction, 1914-1933. Vancouver, 1987; Mesinger G. British Propaganda and the State in the First World War. Manchester, 1992; Winter J. Propaganda and the Mobilization of Consent // The Illustrated History of the First World War / Ed. by H. Strachan. Oxford, 2014. P. 216-226; European Culture in the Great War. The Arts, Entertainment, and Propaganda, 1914— 1918 / Ed. by A. Roshwald, R. Stites. Cambridge, 1999; Cornwall M. The Undermining of Austria-Hungary: The Battle for Hearts and Minds. L., 2000; Horne J. «Propagande» et «verite» dans la Grande Guerre // Vrai et faux dans la Grande Guerre / Ed. by C. Prochasson, A. Rasmussen. Paris, 2004. P. 76-95; Paddock T. A Call to Arms. Propaganda, Public Opinion and Newspapers in the Great War. L., 2004; etc.
2 Sm.: Jahn H. Patriotic Culture in Russia during World War I. Ithaca, 1995; Zhdanova I.A. «Vek propagandy»: upravlenie informatsiej v usloviyakh vojny i revolyutsii v Rossii v marte-oktyabre 1917 goda // Otechestvennaya istoriya. 2008. № 2; Astashov A.B. Propaganda na Russkom fronte v gody Pervoj mirovoj vojny. M., 2012.
3 Mikhajlovskij G.N. Zapiski. Iz istorii rossijskogo vneshnepoliticheskogo vedomstva. 1914-1920. M., 1993. Kn. 1. S. 43-44.
4 Horne J. Public Opinion and Politics // A Companion to World War I / Ed. by J. Home. Oxford, 2012. P. 281.
5 AVPRI, f. 134, op. 473, d. 52, l. 104-106, 40.
6 Tam zhe, l. 23, 27, 29, 40, 44, 88; f. 323, op. 617, d. 65, l. 44; f. 134, op. 473, d. 60, l. 9, 15.
7 Tam zhe, d. 82, l. 99, 102, 105; f. 140, op. 477, d. 807, l. 1-2.
8 Tam zhe, f. 134, op. 473, d. 52, l. 108-109.
9 Tam zhe, l. 4-5.
10 Florinskij M.F. Krizis gosudarstvennogo upravleniya v Rossii v gody Pervoj mirovoj vojny. L., 1978. S. 168.
11 AVPRI, f. 134, op. 473, d. 52, l. 176-179, 180-190, 241; d. 82, l. 55.
12 Alekseev M. Voennaya razvedka Rossii. Pervaya mirovaya vojna. Kn. 3. Ch. 1. M., 2001. S. 140-141.
13 Podrobnee sm.: Astashov A.B. Ukaz. soch. S. 51-52.
14 AVPRI, f. 140, op. 477, d. 804, l. 39-40; f. 323, op. 617, d. 65, l. 2-3, 5-6, 26-30.
15 Astashov A.B. Ukaz. soch. S. 55-56.
16 RGVIA, f. 2000, oo. 1, d. 8169, l. 1-4, 6-7; d. 6443, l. 33, 122, 318-321, 356-357.
17 AVPRI, f. 140, op. 477, d. 821, l. 104, 115.
18 RGVIA, f. 2000, op. 1, d. 6437, l. 240.
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