Additional sources and materials
1. Morgenthau H. Ambassador Morgenthau’s Story. N.Y., 1918. P. 85-86.
2. Renouvin P. Les origines immediates de la guerre (28 juin - 4 aout 1914). P., 1927.
3. Pavlenko O.B. Avstro-Vengriya i Germaniya v rossijskikh planakh podgotovki k «bol'shoj evropejskoj vojne» // Aktual'nye problemy istorii Pervoj mirovoj vojny: Sbornik statej / Pod red. E.Yu. Sergeeva. M., 2014. S. 5.
4. Denikin A.I. Put' russkogo ofitsera. Stat'i i ocherki na istoricheskie i geopoliticheskie temy. M., 2006. S. 272.
5. Barnes H.E. The Genesis of the World War: An Introduction to the Problem of War Guilt. N. Y., 1926 (frantsuzskoe izdanie - 1929).
6. Morhardt M. Les trois enfants abandonnes. Paris, 1920
7. Schmitt V.E. The Coming of the War, 1914. N.Y.; L., 1930
8. Lutz N. Die europaische Politik in der Julekrise 1914. Berlin, 1930.
9. Albertini L. The Origins of the War of 1914. Vol. 1-3. Oxford, 1952-1957 (pervoe izdanie na ital'yanskom yazyke vyshlo v Milane v 1942-1943 gg.).
10. Pokrovskij M.N. K voprosu o vinovnikakh vojny // Pokrovckuj M.H. Imperialisticheskaya vojna.. S. 102.
11. Vinogradov K.B. Burzhuaznaya istoriografiya Pervoj mirovoj vojny. Proiskhozhdenie vojny i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya 1914-1917 gg. M., 1962. S. 16.
12. Bol'shaya Sovetskaya ehntsiklopediya. Izd. 2. T. 32. M., 1955. Stb. 344.
13. Poletika N.P. Vozniknovenie Pervoj mirovoj vojny (Iyul'skij krizis 1914 g.). M., 1964. S. 12-13, 571, 572, 575, 576.
14. Tupolev B.M. Diskussii v proshlom i nastoyaschem o prichinakh vojny // Mirovye vojny XX veka. Kn. 1. Pervaya mirovaya vojna. Istoricheskij ocherk / Pod red. V.L. Mal'kova i G.D. Shkundina. M., 2002. S. 21-33.
15. Germany and the Revolution in Russia, 1915-1918. Documents from the Archives of the German Foreign Ministry / Ed. by Z. Zeman. L., 1958; The Outbreak of the First World War / Ed. by I. Geiss. L., 1967
16. Fischer F Griff nach der Weltmacht. Die Kriegzielpolitik des Kaiserlichen Deutschland 1914- 1918. Hamburg, 1961
17. Strachan H. The Outbreak of the First World War. Oxford, 2004. P. V, 5-6.
18. Pisarev Yu.A. Germanskij imperializm i Balkany: Rokovye resheniya Vil'gel'ma II Gogentsollerna // Novaya i novejshaya istoriya. 1983. № 5. S. 61, 72.
19. Turner L.F. The Russian Mobilization in 1914 // The War Plans of the Great Powers, 1880-1914 / Ed. by P.M. Kennedy. L., 1979. P. 266.
20. Guche V. Ob otvetstvennosti germanskogo imperializma za razvyazyvanie Pervoj mirovoj vojny (osnovnye tendentsii burzhuaznoj istoriografii FRG) // Issledovaniya po istorii germanskogo imperializma nachala XX veka / Pod red. B.A. Ajzina i V. Guche. M., 1987. S. 35-36.
21. Holsti O., North R. Comparative Data from Content Analysis: Perceptions of Hostility and Economic Variables in the 1914 Crisis // Comparing Nations. The Use of Quantitative Data in CrossNational Research / Ed. by R. Merrit and S. Rokkan. Hew Haven, 1966
22. Joll J. Intellectuals in Politics. Three Biographical Essays. L., 1960
23. Keithly D. Did Russia also have War Aims in 1914? // East European Quarterly. 1987. Vol. 21. № 2. P. 139-143.
24. Berghahn V.R. Germany and the Approach of War in 1914. L., 1973
25. Stevenson D. Armaments and the Coming of War. Europe, 1904-1914. Oxford, 1996.
26. Smith C.J., jr. The Russian Struggle for Power, 1914-1917. A Study of Russian Foreign Policy during the First World War. N.Y., 1956
27. Stone N. The Eastern Front 1914-1917. L., 1975
28. Snyder J. The Ideology of the Offensive. Military Decision Making and the Disasters of 1914. Ithaca, 1984. P. 166
29. Luntinen P. French Information on the Russian War Plans, 1880-1914. Helsinki, 1984. P. 205-206; Schmitt B.E., Vedeler H.C. Op. rat. P. 22-23.
30. Clark C. The Sleepwalkers. How Europe Went to War in 1914. L., 2012. P. 560.
31. Bourne J. Total War I: the Great War // The Oxford Illustrated History of Modern War / Ed. by C. Townshend. Oxford, 1997. P. 100.
32. Macmillan M. The War that Ended Peace. The Road to 1914. L., 2013. P. 645.
33. Uribes Canches Eh. Sovremennaya frantsuzskaya istoriografiya proiskhozhdeniya Pervoj mirovoj vojny // Pervaya mirovaya vojna. Diskussionnye problemy istorii / Otv. red. Yu.A. Pisarev i V.L. Mal'kov. M., 1994. S. 42-43.
34. An Improbable War? The Outbreak of the World War I and European Political Culture before 1914 / Ed. by H. Afflerbach and D. Stevenson. N.Y., 2007.
35. Brock P. Pacifism in Europe to 1914. Princeton, 1972
36. Pervaya mirovaya vojna: prolog XX veka / Otv. red. V.L. Mal'kov. M., 1998. S. 32; Vinogradov V.N. Byt' ili ne byt' vojne? // Mirovye vojny KhKh veka. Kn. 1. S. 119-120.
37. MsMeekin S. The Russian Origins of the First World War. Sambridge and London, 2011.
38. Isaac J. Le debat historique 1914.
39. Le probleme des origines de la guerre. P., 1933
40. Fay S. The Origins of the World War. 2 edition. N.Y., 1934
41. Pokrovskij M.H. Imperialisticheskaya vojna: Sbornik statej. M., 1934. S. 115.
42. Schmitt V.E. Triple Alliance and Triple Entente. N.Y., 1934.
43. Schmitt B.E., Vedeler H.C. The World in the Crucible, 1914-1919. N.Y., 1984. P. 17
44. North R., Lagerstrom R. War and Domination: A Theory of Lateral Pressure. N.Y., 1971
45. Joll J. The Origins of the First World War. L., 1984.
46. Steiner Z.S. Britain and the Origins of the First World War. N.Y., 1977
47. Bosworth R. Italy and the Approach of the First World War. L., 1983
48. Keiger J.F.V. France and the Origins of the First World War. L., 1983
49. Geyer D. Russian Imperialism. The Interaction of Domestic and Foreign Policy, 1860-1914. New Haven, 1987 (pervoe nemetskoe izdanie - 1977)
50. Lieven D.C.B. Russia and the Origins of the First World War. L., 1983.
51. Yu.N. Danilov i M.V. Alekseev v russkom voennom planirovanii v period, predshestvuyuschij Pervoj mirovoj vojne // Poslednyaya vojna imperatorskoj Rossii: Sbornik statej / Pod red. O.R. Ajrapetova. M., 2002. S. 86.
52. Gatrell P. Government, Industry and Rearmament in Russia, 1900-1914. Cambridge, 1994.
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54. Mulligan W. The Origins of the First World War. Cambridge, 2010.
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