Additional sources and materials
1. Orlovski D. Velikaya vojna i rossijskaya pamyat' // Rossiya i Pervaya mirovaya vojna (Materialy mezhdunarodnogo nauchnogo kollokviuma). SPb., 1999. S. 52.
2. Stone N. The Eastern front. L., 1975;
3. Pearson R. The Russian moderates and the crisis of Tsarism, 1914-1917. Basingstoke, 1977;
4. Lieven D.C.B. Russia and the origins of the First World War. L., 1983;
5. Siegelbaum L.H. The politics of industrial mobilization in Russia, 1914-1917: A study of the Warindustries committees. N.Y., 1983;
6. Lincoln W.B. Passage through Armageddon: The Russians in war and revolution, 1914-1918. N.Y., 1986.
7. Gatrell P. Russia's First World War: remembering, forgetting, remembering // Extending the borders of Russian history. Essays in honor of Alfred J. Rieber / Ed. by M. Siefert. Budapest, 2003. P. 285-298.
8. Lieven D.C.B. Nicholas II: Emperor of all the Russias. L., 1993. P. 190-193.
9. Figes O. A people’s tragedy: The Russian revolution, 1891-1924. L., 1996. P. 248-250.
10. Fuller U. Vnutrennij vrag: Shpionomaniya i zakat imperatorskoj Rossii. M., 2009. S. 140-141.
11. Lincoln W.B. Op. cit. R. 24, 55-56; Figes Q. Op. cit. P. 261-263.
12. The Cambridge history of Russia. Vol. II. P. 551-553.
13. The Cambridge history of Russia. Vol. II. P. 548.
14. Badcock S. Autocracy in crisis: Nicholas the last // Late Imperial Russia: Problems and prospects. Essays in honor of R.B. McKean / Ed. by I. Thatcher. Manchester, 2005. P. 22.
15. Waldron P. The end of Imperial Russia, 1855-1917. Basingstoke, 1997. P. 154.
16. Lieven D.C.B. Nicholas II.. P. 206.
17. Sehnborn D. Besporyadki sredi prizyvnikov v 1914 g. i vopros o russkoj natsii: novyj vzglyad na problemu // Tam zhe. S. 203-204, 207-213.
18. Gatrell P. Russia’s First World War.. P. 252-254.
19. Holquist P. Making war, forging revolution. Russia’s continuum of crisis, 1914-1921. Cambridge, 2002. P. 31.
20. Mak-Ki A. Sukhoj zakon v gody Pervoj mirovoj vojny: Prichiny, kontseptsiya i posledstviya vvedeniya sukhogo zakona v Rossii. 1914-1917 gg. // Rossiya i Pervaya mirovaya vojna.. S. 147-148, 152, 154-155, 157.
21. Gatrell P. Russia’s First world war.. P. 138;
22. Kotsonis Ya. Poddannyj i grazhdanin: Nalogooblozhenie v Rossijskoj imperii i Sovetskoj Rossii i ego podtekst // Rossiya i Pervaya mirovaya vojna.. S. 474.
23. Gatrell P. Russia’s First World War.. P. 52-53.
24. Khajmson L. Razvitie politicheskogo i sotsial'nogo krizisa.. S. 21, 27-28.
25. Gatrell P. A whole Empire walking: Refugees in Russia during World War I. Bloomington, 1999.
26. Getrell P. Bezhentsy i problema pola v Rossii vo vremya Pervoj mirovoj vojny // Rossiya i Pervaya mirovaya vojna.. S. 112-115, 118-119.
27. Lor Eh. Russkij natsionalizm i Rossijskaya imperiya: Kampaniya protiv «vrazheskikh poddannykh» v gody Pervoj mirovoj vojny. M., 2012.
28. Khagen fon, M. Velikaya vojna i iskusstvennoe usilenie ehtnicheskogo samosoznaniya v Rossijskoj imperii // Rossiya i Pervaya mirovaya vojna.. S. 385-405.
29. Kholkvist P. Total'naya mobilizatsiya i politika naseleniya: Rossijskaya katastrofa (19141921) v evropejskom kontekste // Rossiya i Pervaya mirovaya vojna.. S. 87-91.
30. Sanborn J. Drafting the Russian nation: Military conscription, total war and mass politics, 1905-1925. DeKalb, 2003.
31. Moon D. Late Imperial peasants // Late Imperial Russia: Problems and prospects.. P. 138.
32. Lincoln W.B. Op. cit. P. 166-167, 169-170; Figes O. Op. cit. P. 269-270, 275, 278; Wade R. Op. cit. P. 21; Badcock S. Op. cit. P. 19-20, 23;
33. Gatrell P. Russia’s First World War.. P. 99.
34. Gatrell P. Russia’s First World War.. P. 93-94.
35. Fuller U. Ukaz. soch. S. 238-239.
36. George M. Liberal opposition in wartime Russia: A case study of the Town and Zemstvo unions, 1914-1917 // Slavonic and East European review. 1987. Vol. 65, № 3. P. 371, 373, 381-382, 386387.
37. Porter T., Gleason W. The democratization of the Zemstvo during the First World War // Emerging democracy in late Imperial Russia: Case studies on local self-government (the Zemstvos), State Duma elections, the Tsarist government and the State Council before and during World War I / Ed. by M.S. Conroy. Niwot, 1998. P. 228-232, 234, 239-240.
38. Gatrell P. Russia’s First World War.. P. 1, 246.
39. The Cambridge history of Russia. Vol. II. P. 663.
40. Figes O. Op. cit. R. 263-264; Wade R. Op. cit. P. 17-18, 25-27;
41. The Cambridge history of Russia. Vol. II, P. 662.
42. Holquist P Making war, forging revolution.. P. 36, 45.
43. Gatrell P. Russia’s First World War. P. 170-171.
44. Liven D. Rossijskaya imperiya i eyo vragi s XVI veka do nashikh dnej. M., 2007. S. 450-451.
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