Additional sources and materials
1. Berelowitch A. Hierarchie et preseances: le cas de la Russie au XVIIe siecle // Revue des Etudes slaves, Vol. LXIII. 1991. № 1. P. 229-244.
2. Berelowitch A. De modis demonstrandi in septidecimi saeculi Moschovia // Forschungen zur Osteuropaischen Geschichte. Vol. 56. 2000. S. 8-46.
3. Mikhajlov K.A. Pogrebal'nye pamyatniki kak otrazhenie sotsial'noj stratifikatsii drevnerusskogo obschestva v ehpokhu rannego srednevekov'ya // Slozhenie russkoj gosudarstvennosti v kontekste rannesrednevekovoj istorii Starogo Sveta: Materialy mezhdunarodnoj konferentsii. SPb., 2009. S. 179-180
4. The Archaeology of Medieval Europe. Vol. 1: The Eighth to Twelfth Centuries AD. Aarhus, 2007
5. Grdslund A.-S. Birka IV. The Burial customs. A study of the graves on Bjorko. Stockholm, 1980. P. 82;
6. Zharnov Yu.Eh. Pogrebal'nyj obryad Drevnej Rusi po materialam Gnyozdovskogo mogil'nika. Dis.. kand. ist. nauk. M., 1992. S. 206;
7. Miiller-Wille M. Trade and communication networks of the fi rst millennium AD in the northern part of Central Europe - central places, beach markets, landing places and trading centres. Summary and perspectives // Neue Studien zur Sachsenforschung. B. 1. Stuttgart, 2010.
8. Williams G. Raiding and warfare // The Viking World. P. 193.
9. Kainov S.Yu. K voprosu o kolichestvennoj otsenke pogrebenij s predmetami vooruzheniya v Gnyozdovskom mogil'nike // XVI konferentsiya po izucheniyu skandinavskikh stran i Finlyandii. Tezisy. Ch. 1. M., 2008. S. 201.
10. Mikhajlov K.A. Pogrebal'nye pamyatniki kak otrazhenie.. S. 185
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