Additional sources and materials
1. McRae A. God Speed the Plough: The Representation of Agrarian England, 1500-1660. Cambridge, 1996;
2. Wyngaard A.S. From Savage to Citizen: The Invention of the Peasant in the French Enlightenment. Newark, 2004.
3. Horowitz M.C. Seeds of virtue and knowledge. Princeton, 1998. P. 213.
4. Monten' M. Opyty. V 3 kn. Kn. 1-2. M., 1979. S. 590, 278.
5. Ellingson T. The Myth of the Noble Savage. Berkeley, 2001.
6. Low A. The Georgic Revolution. Princeton, 1985;
7. McRae A. Op. cit.; Martin A.E. Paeans to progress: Arthur Young's travel accounts in German translation//Cultural transfer through translation: the circulation of enlightened thought in Europe by means of translation/Ed. by S. Stockhorst. N.Y., 2010.
8. Shovlin J. The Political Economy of Virtue: Luxury, Patriotism, and the Origins of the French Revolution. Ithaca; L., 2006. P. 51-56, 72-78, 82-92.
9. Gagliardo J.G. From Pariah to Patriot: The Changing Image of the German Peasant, 1770-1840. Lexington, 1969.
10. The state and rural societies. Policy and education in Europe, 1750-2000/Ed. by N. Vivier. Brepols, 2008. P. 11-34
11. Veselovskij A.B. Kapnist i Goratsij (Ehpizod iz znakomstva s klassicheskoj literaturoj v kontse XVIII -nachale XIX vv.)//Izvestiya Otdeleniya russkogo yazyka i slovesnosti Akademii nauk. T. XV. Kn. 1. SPb., 1910;
12. Sharf K. Goratsianskaya sel'skaya zhizn' i evropejskij dukh v Obukhovke: dvoryanskij intelligent Vasilij Kapnist v malorossijskoj provintsii//Dvoryanstvo, vlast' i obschestvo v provintsial'noj Rossii XVIII v. M., 2012. S. 424-428.
13. Izbrannye proizvedeniya russkikh myslitelej vtoroj poloviny XVIII veka. T. I. 1952. S. 402.
14. Kerimov A.Eh. Dokuda topor i sokha khodili. Ocherki istorii zemel'nogo i lesnogo kadastra v Rossii XVI -nachala XX vv. M., 2007. S. 218
15. Newlin T. Rural ruses: illusion and anxiety on the Russian estate, 1775-1815//Slavic review. 1998. Vol. 57(2). P. 306
16. Klassicheskie obraztsy: «Na pashne. Vesna» (pervaya polovina 1820-kh gg., Gosudarstvennaya Tret'yakovskaya galereya) i «Zhnetsy» (vtoraya polovina 1820-kh gg., Gosudarstvennyj Russkij muzej).
17. Aleksej Gavrilovich Venetsianov. Stat'i. Pis'ma. Sovremenniki o khudozhnike. L., 1980. S. 273.
18. Starr S.F. Introduction//Haxtgausen A. Studies of the Interior of Russia/Ed. by S.F. Starr. Chicago; L., 1972;
19. Baumann D. Agrarromantik und Grossstadtfeindschaft. Meisenheim am Glam, 1970.
20. Baumann D. Agrarromantik und Grossstadtfeindschaft. Meisenheim am Glam, 1970.
21. Smith W.D. Politics and the Sciences of Culture in Germany, 1840-1920. Oxford, 1991;
22. Volksgeist as method and ethic: essays on Boasian ethnography and the German anthropological tradition/Ed. by G.W. Stocking Jr. Madison, 1996.
23. Samarin Yu.F. Sochineniya. T. 1. SPb., 1882. S. 401-402. Vydeleno Samarinym.
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