Additional sources and materials
1. Interpretiruya ehmotsii v Rossii i Vostochnoj Evrope / Pod red. M.D. Stejnberga i V. Sobol. De Kalb: Izdatel'stvo universiteta Severnogo Illinojsa, 2011. VIII, 303 s.
2. Plamper J. Introduction // Emotion Turn? Feelings in Russian history and Culture // Slavic Review. 2009. Vol. 68. № 2. P. 229.
3. Stearns P., Stearns C. Clarifying the History of Emotions and Emotional Standards // American Historical Review. 1985. Vol. 90. N 4. P. 813-836.
4. Stearns P.Anger: Struggle for Emotional Control in America’s History. Chicago, 1986.
5. Reddy W. The Navigation of Feeling: A Framework for the History of Emotions. Cambridge, 2001.
6. Rosenwein B. Emotional Communities in the Early Middle Ages. Ithaca, 2006.
7. Rausch und Diktatur: Inszenierung, Mobilisierung, und Kontrolle in totalitaren Systemen. Frankfurt a/M, 2006.
8. Rossijskaya imperiya chuvstv: Podkhody k kul'turnoj istorii ehmotsij. M., 2010.
9. Milyukov P.N. Glavnye techeniya russkoj istoricheskoj mysli. M., 2006. S. 43.
10. Pogodin M.P. Istoricheskie aforizmy. M., 1836. S. 76-77.
11. Rosenwein B. Op. cit. P. 1.
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