1. Engerman D.C. Know Your Enemy: The Rise and Fall of AmericaTs Soviet Experts. Oxford, 2009. –. 8Ts9.
2. Corney F.C. Telling October: Memory and the Making of the Bolshevik Revolution. Ithaca, 2004. –. 1Ts10.
3. Haimson L. The Problem of Social Stability in Urban Russia, 1905Ts1917 // Slavic Review. 1964. Vol. 23. є 4. P. 619Ts642; 1965. Vol. 24. є 1. P. 1Ts22.
4. Iswolsky H. The Russian Revolution Seen from Paris // The Russian Review. 1967. Vol. 26. є 2. P. 153Ts163;
5. Daniels R.V. The Bolshevik Gamble /// The Russian Review. 1967. Vol. 26. є 4. P. 331Ts340.
6. Avrich P. The Anarchists in the Russian Revolution // The Russian Review. 1967. Vol. 26. є 4. P. 341Ts350; Cross T.B. Purposes of Revolution: Chernov and 1917 // Ibid. P. 351Ts360; Clarkson J.D. Russia and the Future // Ibid. P. 361Ts375.
7. Adams A.E. New Books on the Revolution: Old Wine in New Bottles // The Russian Review. 1967. Vol. 26. є 4. P. 391Ts398. Rec. ad op.:
8. Shukman H. Lenin and the Russian Revolution. N.Y., 1967;
9. Deutscher I. The Unfinished Revolution. N.Y., 1967;
10. Tompkins S.R. The Triumph of Bolshevism: Revolution or Reaction? Oklahoma, 1967; Wolfenstein V. The Revolutionary Personality: Lenin, Trotsky and Gandhi. Princeton, 1967.
11. Annenkov G., Todd W. The Poets and the Revolution Ts Blok, Mayakovsky, Esenin // The Russian Review. 1967. Vol. 26. є 2. P. 129Ts143.
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13. Szporluk R. PokrovskiTs View of the Russian Revolution // Slavic Review. 1967. Vol. 26, є 1. P. 70Ts84;
14. Asher A. Axelrod and Kautsky // Slavic Review. 1967. Vol. 26. є 1. P. 94Ts112;
15. Daniels R.V. Soviet Historians Prepare for the Fiftieth // Slavic Review. 1967. Vol. 26. є 1. P. 113Ts118.
16. Mazour A.G. Rec. ad op.: Laqueur W. The Fate of the Revolution: Interpretations of Soviet History // Slavic Review. 1967. Vol. 26. є 2. P. 321.
17. Etty J. The Legacy of 1917 in Graphic Satire // Slavic Review. 2017. Vol. 76. є 3. P. 664Ts674;
18. Friedman J., Rutland P. Anti-Imperialism: The Leninist Legacy and the Fate of World Revolution // Ibid. P. 591Ts599;
19. Koenker D. The Russian Revolution as a Tourist Attraction // Ibid. P. 753Ts762;
20. Lohr E., Sanborn J. Russia, 1917: Revolution as Demobilization and State Collapse // Ibid. P. 703Ts709;
21. Rendle M. Making Sense of 1917: Towards a Global History of the Russian Revolution // Ibid. P. 610Ts618;
22. Ruhtchild R. Women and Gender in 1917 // Ibid. P. 694Ts702; i dr.
23. Brandenberger D. StalinTs Re-writing of 1917 // The Russian Review. 2017. Vol. 76. є 4. P. 667Ts689.
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